Friday, May 2, 2008

A Public Thank You

As one might guess, our days get pretty long. We take care of work/business early, then we work on the rehab until 6-8, then we go back and work some more to prepare for the next day. 14 hour days are pretty common.

So, yesterday, I had an interview to prepare for and the Missus managed to get a bathroom wall framed in on her own before I joined her--some pretty heavy work to do on your own. Anyway, we were at the site until nearly 8:00, and by the time we finished up our paying work it was after 9:00. Even as late as it was and as tired as she had to have been, my wife made us fresh fettuccine to go with a quick Bolognese I had whipped up. It made the meal and was a wonderful comfort after a hard day.

I consider myself a lucky man. A VERY lucky man.

Having a partner like her makes this project much more pleasant.

Now, back to your regularly scheduled DIY blog postings.

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