Friday, July 2, 2010

Garden 2010

The garden is taking up most of my time these days. The tomatoes are already 6' tall and fruiting like mad. We didn't check the garden for a two days last week and when we found a moment to spare, discovered that we had an 18" fat zucchini that materialized seemingly overnight.

The basil is in place, but growing very slowly, and just last night we saw our first eggplant of the season.

After last years' incredible bounty, we decided to cut back on the amount of veg in the garden this year, so no tomatillos (although they reseeded all over the place and are trying to sneak back into this years' harvest.) and no yellow plum tomatoes. The picture above was taken about 3 months ago...

We've already cycled through the first crop of lettuces... (on the left of the above picture) Simpson green leaf lettuce was great, and the romaine was wonderful. All gone now, replaced with massive zucchini plants.

The fun part will be in about a week or so when we begin harvesting our 200+ GARLIC bulbs!

Same view as above... well kinda. A little harder to see the house.

The Monarda (Bee balm) went insane this year. After a rainstorm last week, about half of it cracked the stems and they flopped over. After cutting them all back, this is what is left.

At the cincinnati Flower show this year I bought passion fruit seeds. This baby took weeks to sprout, but now that the roots are dug in, it's growing about 2 feet per day. Cool flowers, too.

LOve LOOOVe Loooooove the sweet 100 cherry tomatoes.

Did I mention the hot pepper plants? We've got 10 this year.

Big *#$@!+^%$#@#$ zucchini.

Dornfelder grapes from Germany. Compliments to Monte Cassino vineyard in Covington, KY for the starters. This is the first year they're producing fruit. They've been in the ground three years now.

Lavender and Lemon Verbeena. Oh so amazing to walk by and brush up against these two together. The smells are enveloping.

Fennel seeds just before they mature taste like good n' plentys. :-)

Oregano, mint, garlic chives up front, tomatoes and sunflowers in the back. (Evening primrose [no longer blooming little yellow flowers] in the corner)

The perfect place to hang out (under the yard thong) in the shade.

1 comment:

Sara @ Russet Street Reno said...

My garden is in roughneck containers on my garage roof. In 30 days it has exploded! It's very exciting to grow your own veggies.