Tuesday, November 9, 2010

New addition to the family. (Update for Sarah & Sebastian)

Sarah and Sebastian are the wonderful folks who let us take this pile of fur home with us. I'd like to use this spot to once again say thanks, and to update them on how he's doing in his new home.

First of all, he's absolutely wonderful. We have peacock feathers and cat toys strewn all over the place, and he loves them all. He'll herd us down the hallway in order to get us to play with him. And we do, every day. When we can't, he perches in the window and chatters at the birds as they come to the various feeders we have around the second floor windows.

On occasion, he'll charge across the floor, throw himself into the air to land flat against the glass window like a fluffy black version of the old 'Garfield on suction cups' you used to see in the back windows of cars. He's very happy, and so are we. We can't thank you enough.

But he is a handful.

Within hours of bringing him home he started teasing our older cat. He's being playful, but she's just a grouch.

That does not deter him.

We did rename him, although we thought long and hard about keeping the name Guiness. We decided he was such a trouble making prankster, we named him after the Norse God of mischief, "Loki." He's living up to the name.

And he's smart too. Uncommonly so. We're training him to sit and stay, as well as heel.

Send us your email and we'll send you our address for the vet tags. I'd really appreciate them!



B said...

I also have a black longhair named Loki. She had lived up to the name! I hope your new kitty finds remodeling as exciting as mine does.

The Wife said...

Wow, and I thought I was being original. Turns out the Cincinnati Zoo also just named the new white Bengal Tiger kitten "Loki" as well!

Unknown said...

Oh my, thank you so much for this! I cant tell you how much it means to Sebastian and I. That is so funny that you named him Loki because that was one of the names I wanted to call him!!! It was either "Loki" or "Puck" ( a book character from a Midsummer's Night Dream). I lost that battle, obviously...but hey, I technically won in the end!! :) We are so happy that he has such a wonderful home to appreciate him.

The Wife said...

Sarah, you are not going to believe this. 'Puck' was our runner up name as well.

I think we both pegged him. :-)

The Wife said...

Update: 11/30/10 - Just weighed Loki in at 10# 4oz.