Friday, November 12, 2010

New Orleans

I had never been to New Orleans.
We fixed that a few weeks ago.

Apparently they have food there. I tell you, I have no idea how people can actually get drunk there with all of the amazing cuisine. And I tried. Many times.

We spent a lot of time just walking around looking at the architecture. I was rather impressed by all of the wrought iron from Covington, Steward Iron Works, etc.

And there was a lot of it.

So I took pictures.

I loved the balconies and the dripping foliage.

Second Best breakfast:

Stanley's: Best Breakfast Ever. (Also the most expensive at a whopping $95)

A real New Orleans Wedding Second Line.

After Katrina, these guys have my humbled respect and awe.

As I go through these, I remind myself of the bad neighbor showing the guests the slides from their vacation.... I'll wrap this up.

But I did want to point out the one thing I just found shocking. The NOLA home security systems. I was reminded that the French Quarter only 5-10 years ago was not a safe place. Not the kind of place you want to walk anywhere alone. At night. Without a loaded gun.

But the cheap innovation of homeowners never fails to impress me. This broken glass embedded front wall is not only very effective, but kinda pretty, too.

On some of the homes, the barbed iron wall toppers did the job. I kinda expected to see some heads stuck on the spikes Monday morning. Yikes.

Oh, and in case any of you were wondering where the coldest beer in the World is... it's in New Orleans,

I have proof:

I think we were there for about 30 minutes before we had the first celebratory beer here. It was the beginning of a fine vacation. Thanks so much to our private tour guide, Joby!!!

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